I am Toast

I am going to try and link toast (pictured below) and voiceover. Wish me luck.

Toast first starts out as bread.....

Bread = Fresh/New. Or, the beginning of something. i.e. sandwich.
Fresh/New = Beginner.
Toaster = Heat/ The crucible of change.
Bread into Toast = Toasted. Or, transformed into something else. Perhaps more desired?

Toast to related to voiceover? Easy.

We all start out as bread. Sure you can eat bread but who wants that? You want to chew and chew and chew to get to that sugary center? Or, would you rather have toast? Where the sugar has been released and turned golden brown?

Our experience is the toaster. We turn into toast over time. Ready to eat. A bit like bread, wait a min..

People want Toast. I am toast.

At least I am not breakfast cereal in milk. All soggy.


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