Are you living with a Audio Book Narrator? Signs and Habits.

1. You have piles of unwashed clothing because of 'noise'.

2. They become apoplectic with rage if they can 'hear you breath'.

3. You don't see them for days

4. They sometimes talk to you in a different accent

5. They are an emotional wreck

6. Sometimes you hear random screaming

7. They sometimes just shout 'Editing!'

8. They get extremely happy if they have little to no 'corrections'.

9. They are paler than milk

10. They appear to work solely in pyjamas

11. They appear to zone out for several minutes and then randomly shout 'ah!' and then proceed to talk to you as a monster

12. They claim to know 'how many decibels' you are.

13. They sometimes appear to be unresponsive when communicating to them but then you find out that they are 'saving their voice'.

14. They sometimes shove their heads in steam

15. They can also have oxygen mask type devices attached to their faces.

16. They appear to have headphones on at least 16 hours a day

17. (In the comments below)

18. They appear out of their hole spouting words you have never heard of before

19. You might hear something about 'Punching and Rolling', you find it hard to believe they can do that in their hole

20. They might mutter something about how many words they can read in an hour. But then they multiple that by 4 inexplicably. Followed by the word 'editing' and something called 'mastering'. You assume they have gone mad


Are you living with a Voice Over?


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